Wednesday, February 23, 2011


We are continuing to work with the two pilots involved in the Branching Out project. TRA-K's Working Art Space is in the process of having new heating installed along with a lighting system that will enhance the artwork. It's been a partnership between the hard working volunteers, our Community Business Facilitator, Warren Butler and the Kentish Council. The challenges that have been traversed along the way confirm the need for additional skills and support to ensure that the volunteer group doesn't get swamped and exhausted.

Interweave Arts is working on its 2011 program, while we are working with them on a new business plan, brochures and the production and distribution of cards and badges. We are talking with Tasmanian Polytechnic in Launceston about some of their students involved in the Work Education program. Teachers are wanting to undertake more enterprise as part of the course that involves young people with physical and intellectual disabilities. We have done a bit of a test run and the response has been very positive. We have two major retail outlets wanting to stock cards and badges in 2011.